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Netherlands Nino van de Wal
26-April-17 72 Hits

ACE is a collaboration between the University of Amsterdam (UvA), VU University, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) and the Amsterdam School of Arts (AHK). 
At ACE Venture Lab we combine the activities of UvA, VU, HvA and AHK in our Amsterdam based incubator. It is our ambition to become a leader in accelerating science based and technology companies which are the drivers of innovation, economic prosperity and job creation. ACE Venture Lab is an initiative by the Amsterdam Center for Entrepreneurship (ACE). 

ACE stimulates entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial behavior of students and performs research on successful entrepreneurship. The education, research and incubation function of ACE makes it the best place in Amsterdam to stimulate entrepreneurship and help entrepreneurs grow their business.

Science Park 608 1098 XH Amsterdam

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