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Australia admin
29-April-17 65 Hits

Innovation and entrepreneurship are at the heart of economic growth and development. An entrepreneurial mindset and the ability to innovate sets individuals and organisations apart – they are more likely to succeed, build sustainable organisations and grow wealth for their stakeholders and the community. 

Our innovation and entrepreneurship programs are designed to develop and inspire creative individuals with an interest in starting or developing innovative ventures that have the potential to make a significant impact on markets, economies and communities. 

We offer students the advanced knowledge and practical skills required to assess and implement new ideas, create and manage ambitious new ventures, develop entrepreneurial management practices and create supportive environments that foster and enable innovation. 

Innovation and entrepreneurship programs are available in two flexible delivery modes designed to meet the needs of busy professionals: internally via face-to-face intensive sessions and online. 

This program is offered in Trimester mode, there are three trimesters in each academic year commencing in January, May and September.

University of Adelaide, North Terrace Campus, Adelaide, Australia

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