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Iceland Nino van de Wal
02-May-17 318 Hits

Startdate: 11-June-17

Enddate: 13-June-17

The 24th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC) will be held from Sunday, June 11th to Tuesday, June 13th, 2017, at Reykjavik University in Reykjavik, Iceland. The associated doctoral workshop will take place from Saturday, June 10th to Sunday, 11th June, 2017.

IPDMC has established itself as the leading annual international conference in the domains of innovation management and new product development. Papers presented at the meeting come from multiple disciplines. Adjacent areas such as technology management, entrepreneurship, marketing of innovations, creativity, and design are significant parts of the programme. 

 The conference has become the focus of important networking among innovation and product development management researchers, for PhD students and junior faculty as well as senior faculty. It is the annual event for researchers in the field and serves as the annual meeting of a virtual society with participants enjoying coming back to meet colleagues. The ambiance is know as friendly and supportive.

Menntavegur 1 - 101 Reykjavik

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