- Created: 13-February-17
- Last Login: 13-February-17
User Profile
Dirk De Boe advertisements
Description: Creativity is essential for a modern organization. Creativity Shock teaches you how to boost your own creativity but also how you can think about more and better ideas together. It shows how you can realize your ideas and build an innovation culture in your company, service or organization.
Publish Date: 13-February-17
Description: Creativity and innovation are essential for a modern organization. An organization that focusses on the individual creativity of each employee and which accelerates the co-creation amongst their employees and with the outside word, has the keys for its future in hand. Creashock helps you in this via creativity boosts, training sessions, brainstorms and innovation trajects. One limitation: no standard jobs, always customized to your specific context and challenges.
Publish Date: 13-February-17