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Missouri Nino van de Wal
18-May-17 242 Hits


A community of student, academic and business leaders committed to using the power of entrepreneurial action to transform lives and shape a better more sustainable world.

1959 East Kerr Street Springfield, Missouri, USA 65803

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Since 2009, Aaltoes has made vast strides forward in improving the public’s opinion on entrepreneurship as a viable career path. Many universities, as well as cities, have followed our example and established their own entrepreneurship societies to help… Global

LAPLANDES - Entrepreneurship Society

Lapland Entrepreneurship Society Finland


We aspire to help determined students meet new people. We provide a platform for university students full of ideas who need help for driving those ideas forward. We are also here to support entrepreneurial students in their daily lives by providing them… Finland


The place where to find innovation related information in Barcelona Spain

Espoo Innovation Garden

The heart of Espoo Innovation Garden is at the Keilaniemi-Otaniemi-Tapiola area, the biggest innovation hub in the Northern Europe.  It is home for e.g. Aalto University, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, headquarters of companies like Kone,… Finland

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