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31-March-17 195 Hits

Since 2009, Aaltoes has made vast strides forward in improving the public’s opinion on entrepreneurship as a viable career path. Many universities, as well as cities, have followed our example and established their own entrepreneurship societies to help make Finland the place-to-be for startup entrepreneurship.

Aaltoes was founded in 2009 by Aalto students who were inspired by their field trip to MIT. 

Our first office was at Design Factory, and in 2009 we took over the building nowadays know as Startup Sauna. 

In 2010, we kickstarted Bootcamp (now Startup Sauna) and Summer of Startups. Slush 2011 was organized by Aaltoes, since then the event has grown like a rocket. 

Between 2009-2011, #aaltoes was the most popular Twitter hashtag in Finland. We've also been featured on TechCrunch and MIT publications. 

We reached 14 500 likes on Facebook in February 2016. Twitter-wise, we're at over 11400 so we're doing something right.

Betonimiehenkuja 3D 02150 Espoo, Finland

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