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25-December-20 2119 Hits

路 Product name :Plastic Dora Girl Pendant for necklace
路 Material:AS/PS/acrylic/Support for custom
路 Size: Customized
路 Color: three sizes (transparent/matte/pearly) pink/red/yellow/light blue/light blue/orange/purple/rose OR custom
Professional production of various accessories products: acrylic beads.Plastic beads. Imitation pearls.Wood beads. Glass beads. Resin beads.CCB electroplating beads.Painted beads. Letter beads.String beads. Beads. Beads in beads and other types of beads.
Drilling accessories: acrylic drill.Plastic drill. Mock bench drill.Resin drill. Crystal glass drill.Water drill. Hot drill. Drill stick.Bubble shell packing drill. Mobile phone sticking drill and so on.
Mobile phone hanging ornaments, hanging rope: arm rope.Water cup hanging rope. Certificate hanging rope.Digital hanging rope. Label hanging rope.Materials: polyester. Low elastic silk.Pp. According to customer requirements to print all kinds of LOGO, etc., shoes and bags.Clothing accessories bead chain. Glass bead chain.Iron chain. Aluminum chain. Aberdeen chain.Not embroidered steel chains and so on
Can undertake custom - made production of all kinds of handicraft pendant.Key chain pendant. Craft bell.Christmas ornaments bell. Car pendants and other kinds of handicrafts pendants.According to customer requirements to open the mold to do goods.Large molds can be opened free of charge.Customized Pendant Accessories

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Innovation Manager IMEC

Innovation Manager Imec Imec is the world-leading research and innovation hub in nanoelectronics and digital technologies. The combination of our widely acclaimed leadership in microchip technology and profound software and ICT expertise is what makes us… Global

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