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Portugal admin
25-June-17 484 Hits

IPN Incubator - Association for the Development of Incubation Activities for Ideas and Businesses - is a private, non-profit institution created in 2002 on the initiative of Pedro Nunes Institute (IPN) and the University of Coimbra.

At the Incubator, companies in the first years of existence have access to conditions that promote access to the scientific and technological system and a wide range of services facilitating the startup process and entrance to the market through training in technical and management areas and contact with national and international markets. The Incubator provides support for the early stages of new innovative, technology-based or advanced services business projects. Priority projects are spin-offs arising from the University of Coimbra and startups that ensure a strong connection to the university environment, whether through students, faculty or RTD activities.

Rua Pedro Nunes, 3030 - 199 Coimbra, Portugal

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