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France admin
14-February-17 113 Hits

50 Partners is a startup support program built by 50 experienced entrepreneurs (Blablacar, LeBonCoin, PriceMinister...) who select and support promising early-stage startups. 

The Partners get financially and operationally involved with the supported startups through mentoring sessions and help them get access to financing. 

50 Partners supports tech 5 to 7 early-stage tech startups (Mobile, Media, SaaS, Big Data,...) a year.

62 rue Jean-Jacques Rousseau - 75 001 Paris, France

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Incubateur PACA EST

The Paca-Est Incubator is a support structure for innovative business start-ups.  The Business incubator offers innovative entrepreneurs tailored support over a period of 6 to 24 months, along with training and expertise, office space. In certain cases,… France

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