Intensive, multidisciplinary 7-day programme (lectures and workshops) on Q-MRI for improving diagnosis of brain disorders. The Summer School consists of 50 hours of training (incl. assessment).
Stadscampus, University of Antwerp, Belgium
27 August - 4 September 2018
While the programme is tailored to PhD students, also Master students and postdocs are welcome to participate and to strengthen their knowledge and skill level. A good command of English is required.
External partners
B-Q MINDED is an international research project on quantitative magnetic resonance imaging. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 764513.
B-Q Minded has 10 beneficiaries (5 academic and 5 from industry):
• University of Antwerp.
• Erasmus MC.
• the University of Sheffield.
• Forschungszentrum Jülich.
• Antwerp University Hospital
• Siemens Healthineers
• MR Solutions
• icometrix
• SyntheticMR
• Quantib
More information is available on www.bqminded.eu.
Course description
This B-Q MINDED Summer School, powered by the Antwerp Summer University, provides a 7-day intensive multidisciplinary course in the field of quantitative MRI (Q-MRI) for improving diagnosis of brain disorders. This course is part of a collaborative EU-funded (MSCA ETN) European Training Network consisting of 15 Early Stage Researchers (PhD positions) that aims to prepare a new generation of scientists who will turn MRI from a qualitative to a quantitative imaging technique.
Specific attention is given to the development of transferable skills that are essential for a successful professional career, incorporating:
• Principles of active career development and establishing a tailored personal career development plan.
• Reflection on the impact of your research and strategies how to improve these by actively disseminating your research or by pursuing valorisation of results. To this end, the programme also includes sessions on effective use of social media, courses on intellectual property etc.
The summer school consists of 50 h of training (incl. assessment) and is open to non-B-Q-MINDED students.
Topics include:
• Proactive career development.
• Intellectual Property and legal aspects.
• Regulatory requirements in MRI software.
• Introduction to clinical neuroradiology workflows.
• Basic Lab Skills in Computer Science.
• Outreach strategy and social media / drafting personal outreach plan.
• Research communication and presentation skills /pitching workshop.
3 ECTS credits will be awarded upon successful completion of the programme.
Credits will be awarded on the base of 100 % active participation in class and final presentations to a professional and academic jury.
Registration fee
B-Q MINDED Early Stage Researchers: 200 euro
Master Students, PhD students and postdocs: 400 euro
The fee includes lectures, coffee breaks, sandwiches during lunch (on course days), farewell reception and several social activities. Does not include accommodation, travel arrangements, breakfast and dinner (all days) and lunch (during the weekend).
Application details
Online through Mobility Online. The application deadline is 30 May 2018.
More Information
Prinstraat 13, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium
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