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Austria admin
10-January-17 171 Hits

Startdate: 23-February-17

Enddate: 23-February-17

Innovation from Anyone, Anywhere, Always 

In a rapidly and constantly changing business environment, industries are being disrupted one by one. In response, intrapreneurship helps big organizations to innovate faster, better and continuously, by adapting innovation methods successfully used by startups. 

Intrapreneurship is a driver for accelerating culture change and organizational transformation, developing the capability to capitalize on opportunities for growth. Embedding intrapreneurship also helps to attract, retain and develop the best and brightest talent. 

Yet because of the breadth and depth of its reach and potential impact, it’s not an easy task to implement intrapreneurship and to yield sustainable results from it. There is no one recipe for how to do it- it largely depends on the unique culture and context of the organization. 

The one truth to intrapreneurship? You can’t afford to not do it. 

And we can help. Great People, Great Content 

Since the start back in 2011, our model has been to create a space for intrapreneurship; to curate the best stories, ideas and people in this emerging field. It’s our goal to help corporate innovators driving intrapreneurship by hosting events in locations all around the globe, offering them the best content and access to a tribe of entrepreneurial leaders they don’t find at their own organizations. We’ve welcomed 2500+ corporate innovators of all trades: intrapreneurs or corporate entrepreneurs, innovation (program) managers and directors, heads of labs, incubators and accelerators, corporate venturing, strategy and business development managers, R&D and product development professionals, HR and organizational transformation leaders all chasing similar objectives and facing similar challenges, across companies and industries.

Vienna, Austria

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