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South Africa admin
16-June-17 420 Hits

Startdate: 16-November-17

Enddate: 18-June-17

We are pleased to invite you to the 1st International Entrepreneurship and Enterprise Development Conference (IEEDC) 2017

The conference will be held between 16th to 18th November 2017 at the BridgeWays Hotel Conference Center, Century City, Cape Town, South Africa. 

IEEDC attracts an interesting combination of academic scholars, practitioners, and individuals who are engaged in various aspects of innovation and entrepreneurship. 

The theme for the Conference is: Extending Entrepreneurship Research in New Directions: De-mystifying the Generation Z Entrepreneurs and their Probable Impact on Emerging Economies. The vision is to advance knowledge about “Generation Z”, the generation born after the millennials that is emerging as the next phenomenon for market researchers, cultural observers, and trend forecasters.

BridgeWays Hotel Conference Center, Century City, Cape Town, South Africa.

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