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Belgium stp
05-July-17 712 Hits

Lotus Equity Ventures is a private equity, societal and corporate venturing platform that enables corporations to create and run venture studios.

Lotus also launches individual start-ups through equity stakes, daily management, financing and network leverage.

We help innovate beyond the core and valorize foresight investments in game changing endeavors at the intersection of sustainable chemistry, life sciences and data science/IoT.

Key ingredient is a sustainable, beneficial impact on society and our quality of life. Our work is highly network and big data driven.

310, Research Park Z1, 1731 Zellik (Brussels)

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The Birdhouse

Connecting and reaching goals together, that's what The Birdhouse is about. Our accelerator supports entrepreneurs by connecting them with the right people in an ambitious environment. Combining the forces of co-founders, partners, mentors and investors,… Belgium

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