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United Kingdom admin
04-June-17 591 Hits

The Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices researches and develops advanced design and manufacturing methods for the Class III, musculoskeletal medical device sector. 

 Growth of the medical devices sector looks set to remain at 10% for the foreseeable future and there is growing demand for increased reliability and lifetime performance of medical devices. 

 Our innovative design and manufacturing advances will focus in the first instance on class 3 medical devices for musculoskeletal disease, where the cost of device failure and need for throughout life reliability are high. 

 Our research will answer these global demands, underpinning the development of musculoskeletal medical device manufacture to provide methods of producing cost-effective, reliable and effective devices; supporting the development of the sector and satisfying the health service’s requirement for new, innovative and cost effective treatment options. These devices – and manufacturing processes – will ensure that the patients of the future are provided with devices that offer enhanced standards of reliability and performance.The Centre is a collaborative research project which brings together expertise from the universities of Leeds, Newcastle, Nottingham, Bradford and Sheffield as well as a range of expert clinicians from across the UK. Our 12 founding industry members are embedded within our research projects, with many more forming an industry-wide network. 

 Our Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Medical Devices is funded by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council and is part of a wider programme of support for innovative manufacturing research centres.

University of Leeds Leeds LS2 9JY, UK

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