Stephen's articles help you to make yourself a better innovator. He is a tenured innovation consultant who shares his insights on his blog that are sometimes inspirational, sometimes informative, sometimes personal; but always interesting.
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Innovation in Practice.
Focused around the “Inside the Box” methodology for leading and thereby improving creativity in teams and organisations. This blog beliefs that "Innovation is not about products and services. It’s about people." Twitter: Global
Board of Innovation
Innovation experiences, best practices, new tools and usefull tips & tricks shared by consultants who help large companies to innovate like startups and to develop sustainable new revenue streams. Twitter: Global
The Creativity Post
This is an unique blog on creativity, innovation and imagination from research from the fields of psychology, neuroscience and business management. Twitter: Global
As the name suggest, a popular blog on innovation management which originally was in Swedish. Fortunately, everything is in English these days which results in high-qulity, detailed, long-form articles from various innovation experts (many of whom have… Global
Gary Hamel
This is a big name, especially in the field of strategic management. Gary Hamel is one of the world’s most influential and iconoclastic business thinkers. He was a professor at London Business School and wrote 17 articles for the Harvard Business Review.… Global