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M.Sc. in Innovation, Santiago, Chile M.Sc. in Innovation, Santiago,…

  • Publish Date: 17-February-17

MSc in Innovation, Universidad Adolfo Ibanez (Santiago, Chile)  This Spanish taught master in Santiago, Chile has the objective to provide students with thorough knowledge of theories of innovation in all aspects, acquiring analytical models and…

MSc in Innovation, Universidad…

Strategic Innovation Management, M.Sc. Strategic Innovation…

United Kingdom
  • Publish Date: 17-February-17

Our course equips you with the knowledge and skills to lead and manage innovation at both operational and strategic levels.  You gain a practical yet rigorous toolbox of methods for the effective management of innovation.  Focusing on new-product and…

Our course equips you with the…

Innovation & Strategy Insights Innovation & Strategy Insights

  • Publish Date: 16-February-17

For new business inquiries, please send an email to [email protected] or use the website's contact tool. About:  Nino van de Wal advises managers on organizational design for corporate entrepreneurship and innovation (i.e., organizational…

For new business inquiries,…

Coachella Valley Economic Partnership Coachella Valley Economic…

  • Publish Date: 14-February-17

Established in 1994, the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) has emerged as a vital innovator of regional business and workforce development initiatives. The partnership promotes a diversified, year-round economy by facilitating programs that…

Established in 1994, the…

Digital October Digital October

  • Publish Date: 14-February-17

Digital October Center is a place for globally-minded technology entrepreneurship community. The Center is built around two core themes: new technologies and technology entrepreneurship. Key international professional conferences and presentations of new…

Digital October Center is a…


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