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University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences…

  • Publish Date: 13-July-17

B.Sc. Innovation Engineering & Management New products don’t happen only by chance or flashes of genius. Innovation- and product managers must come up with ideas for products that customers want, evaluate them effectively and then turn them into reality…

B.Sc. Innovation Engineering &…

University of Applied Science Upper Austria University of Applied Science…

  • Publish Date: 13-July-17

Master of Science in Engineering (MSc) INNOVATION and PRODUCT MANAGEMENT Today, if a company wants to succeed internationally, it must be capable of innovation. This can only be achieved by treating innovation as a process. What characterizes such a…

Master of Science in…

Lotus Equity Ventures Lotus Equity Ventures

  • Publish Date: 05-July-17

Lotus Equity Ventures is a private equity, societal and corporate venturing platform that enables corporations to create and run venture studios. Lotus also launches individual start-ups through equity stakes, daily management, financing and network…

Lotus Equity Ventures is a…


  • Publish Date: 26-June-17

Vinnova is the Swedish government agency that administers state funding for research and development. The agency's mission as defined by the government is to promote development of efficient and innovative Swedish systems within the areas of technology,…

Vinnova is the Swedish…

Sweden   26-June-17 VINNOVA

EmprendeRioja EmprendeRioja

  • Publish Date: 25-June-17

EmprendeRioja is the Support Plan for Entrepreneurs launched by the Government of La Rioja with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Federation of Entrepreneurs of La Rioja.

EmprendeRioja is the Support…

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