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Biopartner Center Maastricht Biopartner Center Maastricht

  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

BioPartner Center Maastricht is an excellently equipped multi-tenant incubator facility for start-ups and established companies in Life Sciences. Entrepreneurs can rely on us for business support and an ideal climate for business development. Our mission…

BioPartner Center Maastricht…

Arnhem Mode Incubator Arnhem Mode Incubator

  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

Breeding ground for starting fashion companies  Arnhem Mode Incubator supports leading designers in the fashion industry by providing a workplace, coaching and financial and business advice.  Purpose: Starting designers grow into successful fashion…

Breeding ground for starting…

15KM 15KM

  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

From idea to success Incubator and also official facilitator 15KM provides support for international and ambitious start-ups and growing businesses ‘from idea to success’. We do this by providing all the knowledge, experience, creativity, networks,…

From idea to success…

Amborio Amborio

  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

Amborio guides entrepreneurs to reach their full potential and propel them to new heights. The participations that are connected with Amborio are giving access to the fore cornerstones that are necessary to make their business a success. These…

Amborio guides entrepreneurs…

Innovation Center Iceland Innovation Center Iceland

  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

Innovation Center Iceland is a leading R&D and business support institute in Iceland. Our mission is to increase innovation, productivity and competitiveness of Icelandic business by doing innovative technology research, diffusing knowledge and giving…

Innovation Center Iceland is a…

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