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Iceland admin
28-April-17 80 Hits

Innovation Center Iceland is a leading R&D and business support institute in Iceland. Our mission is to increase innovation, productivity and competitiveness of Icelandic business by doing innovative technology research, diffusing knowledge and giving support to entrepreneurs and start-up companies. 

Diverse operations for Icelandic industry 
The core activities of Innovation Center Iceland are divided into two domains: 

Technology Research and Consulting 
Diverse fields in research, such as nanotechnology, renewable energy and concrete rheology. Projects include applied research and testing, basic research in key areas, consultation and technology transfer. 

Innovation and Entrepreneur Services 
IMPRA at Innovation Center Iceland assists entrepreneurs in the start-up, growth and management of SMEs. IMPRA operates an Incubator Center which offers support and facilities to start-up companies working on innovative business ideas. IMPRA offers extensive internet information services, workshops and courses for SMEs and the general public and publishes books and manuals on management, marketing, and more. IMPRA also runs a Enterprise Europe Network office (EEN) to encourage cooperation between Icelandic and European companies.

Árleynir 2-8, 112 Reykjavík, Iceland

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