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13th Annual NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference 13th Annual…

  • Publish Date: 14-March-17

We are happy to announce the 13th Annual NeuroPsychoEconomics Conference “Neuroeconomic foundations of bounded rationality and heuristic decision making”.  The conference will be held on June 8-9, 2017 at the city campus of the University of Antwerp…

We are happy to announce the…

Startdate: 08-June-17

Enddate: 09-June-17

24th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC) 24th Innovation and Product…

  • Publish Date: 02-May-17

The 24th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC) will be held from Sunday, June 11th to Tuesday, June 13th, 2017, at Reykjavik University in Reykjavik, Iceland. The associated doctoral workshop will take place from Saturday, June…

The 24th Innovation and…

Startdate: 11-June-17

Enddate: 13-June-17

8th EMAC Regional Conference 8th EMAC Regional Conference

  • Publish Date: 02-May-17

The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the West University of Timisoara in Romania will host the 8th EMAC Regional Conference "Bridging the Marketing/Theory Gap and the Competitiveness of New Europe” on September 20-22, 2017. The main…

The Faculty of Economics and…

Startdate: 20-September-17

Enddate: 22-September-17

Accelerating your Healthcare startup Accelerating your Healthcare…

  • Publish Date: 05-May-17

Are you ready to take your healthcare start-up to the next level? This programme will help you get there. In this intensive, hands-on boot camp, you’ll explore business model design methodologies. You’ll have your ideas and business plan challenged by…

Are you ready to take your…

Startdate: 28-August-17

Enddate: 27-September-17

AGFA HealthCare - Hackathon 2017 AGFA HealthCare - Hackathon…

  • Publish Date: 16-February-17

This year's AGFA HealthCare Hackathon will take place on June 19/20, 2017.   Stay tuned for more information !

This year's AGFA HealthCare…

Startdate: 19-June-17

Enddate: 20-June-17

Austrian Innovation Forum Austrian Innovation Forum

  • Publish Date: 04-June-17

The Austrian Innovation Forum has been established as the leading conference for innovation in Austria and it will take its 7th round on 12th of October 2017.

The Austrian Innovation Forum…

Startdate: 12-October-17

Enddate: 12-October-17

Barcelona Startup Week 2017 Barcelona Startup Week 2017

  • Publish Date: 01-June-17

Startup Week is a five day celebration of your community. Join your community in a new type of conference that builds momentum and opportunity around entrepreneurship, led by entrepreneurs and hosted in the entrepreneurial spaces you love. Startup Week is…

Startup Week is a five day…

Startdate: 18-September-17

Enddate: 22-September-17

Boostcamp Business Model Innovation Boostcamp Business Model…

  • Publish Date: 01-April-17

Boostcamp Business Model Innovation

Boostcamp Business Model…

Startdate: 14-May-17

Enddate: 17-May-17

ClimateLaunchPad ClimateLaunchPad

  • Publish Date: 02-April-17

The ClimateLaunchPad competition aims to accelerate innovation that enables a low-carbon future. The competition scouts cleantech talent and helps them grow their sustainable idea into a global business. By looking for the world's best sustainability…

The ClimateLaunchPad…

Startdate: 20-April-17

Enddate: 30-June-17

Crack the Code - DELEN Private Bank - HackDays Crack the Code - DELEN Private…

  • Publish Date: 06-March-18

Participate in a 2-day intensive hackathon to crack challenges with tech solutions in the private banking industry.  What can you expect? Writing code! Check.  But before you hack yourself into the solution, innovation experts will help you with the…

Participate in a 2-day…

Startdate: 11-April-18

Enddate: 12-April-18

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