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Norway admin
07-May-17 211 Hits

Validé builds on the successful history and portfolio of its predecessors, and combines technology transfer, incubation and investment functions. 

Early stage facilitation 
Validé fully facilitates innovation projects from the early R&D phase until commercialization by providing expertise in technology management, startups, incubation, investment, IPR and IP portfolio management, transactions, technology marketing, prototyping, and product development. Validé is the official technology transfer office of 10 research institutes and responsible for the IP portfolio management and commercialization of their intellectual assets. Validé offers incubation services to high-tech startups including accelerator programs, office space and full service startup packages. 

We offer funding through various investment schemes including angel, pre-seed and venture capital funding and regional, national and international public funding schemes. 

Our goal 
Validé aims to become a world-class technology transfer office and incubator serving regional actors and providing a global outreach. The two merging companies (Prekubator TTO AS and Ipark AS) will still be legal entities responsible for their technology and venture portfolios and all previous contracts. All contracts and decisions related to activity and portfolio management will be dealt with by Validé personnel as everyone from Prekubator TTO and Ipark are now employed by Validé.

Richard Johnsensgate 4, 4021 Stavanger, Norway

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