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Belgium admin
26-April-17 156 Hits

Mad in Situ are the designer studios for social and societal innovation of MAD Brussels in the Anneeesens neighbourhood in the centre of Brussels. 

 MAD in Situ is an 800-sq.m. space with six shared studios, where 10 to 20 designers can work, as well as a ground floor area for production purposes and a multi-purpose space. These studios can be shared or rented as a whole. The designers may occupy the space for one year, and the contract is renewable for another year. 

 The selected residents come from different design disciplines, including urban design, textile design, industrial design, graphic design, service design, food design, print design and so on. They can be self-taught or project managers in social and societal innovation, producing goods or services. 

 MAD in Situ, above all, wants to be a tool for designers: 

  • To create cross-pollination between design and innovation and promote a creative dynamic between the residents. 

  • Through the follow-up by the coordinating team of MAD in Situ and the option of using all the tools of MAD Brussels. 

  • This allows the resident designers to become more professional, either by developing their own projects and/or by working on the many design commissions for social and societal innovation of MAD in Situ. 

  • Designers can also take advantage of a coaching and awareness programme about entrepreneurship. 

  • Designers can use the teachings of the coaching programme in the projects and commissions they receive through MAD in Situ.

MAD Brussels – Mode and Design Center – is a platform of expertise and a unique shop window to show off the value of the fashion and design sectors in Brussels. Its mission, which is at the heart of innovation and is oriented to the future, is to promote all the professions, encourage initiatives and support all the players in these two sectors to support their development and growth, from and towards Brussels. Coordinating support and initiatives that are channelled to it, MAD Brussels ensures the local and international econo- mic promotion of Brussels creators and designers as well as investment in the Brussels Region from external players. This is done by activating networks of jobs and know-how, through high quality national and international events and by develo- ping a network of exchanges on an international scale. This is all done together with an action to revitalise Brussels districts needing revitalisation, thereby boosting the attractiveness of Brussels. MAD Brussels highlights the position of the town-region, among traditional European capitals of fashion and design, as being an innovating centre for dynamic and avant-garde fashion and for cooperative and universal design. Set up in 2011, the asbl MAD Brussels is the result of close cooperation between different Belgian and European institutions such as the European Regional Development Fund, the Brussels Ca- pital Region and the City of Brussels.

Centre Dansaert 7-11 rue d'Alost, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

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