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Finland Tuomas Holma
02-April-17 205 Hits

Startdate: 21-April-17

Enddate: 23-April-17

What is it about:

Through multidisciplinary cooperation teams compete to progress in the given timeframe and, especially with ours, the progress is what is taken into consideration as the judging criteria. Through our support with provided software, tech and mentors, teams normally create amazing solutions which they pitch for judging in the final hours of the hackathon. Our accelerator aspect comes into play when successful projects may be able to get support after the hackathon to develop into a business idea.

Tracks for Sprint:

 HACK THE HALER! If your inhaler could talk, what would you like it to tell you as a doctor, as a patient, or as a caregiver? Solve this challenge by Orion Pharma and win 10 000€.

 HEL of a 3D CITY EVENTS How to utilize Helsinki 3D city models to make event experiences and their organizing better? Solve this challenge by City of Helsinki and win 5 000€.

 HACK YOUR JOB There is a mismatch in skill recognition on both ends - both recruit and recruiter. What kind of recruiting or job matchmaking services X&Y-generations would like to use? Solve this challenge by KEHA and win 3 000€.

 HACKING VALUE FROM FORESTS Utilize forest-related data to create user-friendly solutions that make forest asset management more efficient and win 5 000€.

If you have a great project that doesn’t fit any other challenge, apply to our Open Challenge! Open track projects will be judged by Ultrahack and there will be surprise prizes!

STUDENT AWARD The Best Student-made Solution Award worth of 2000€.


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