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Switzerland admin
28-April-17 83 Hits

For developing innovative ideas into marketable products, Switzerland Innovation offers domestic and foreign companies the best locations in Switzerland: first-class accessibility, close to universities, suitable for further expansion, and in attractive areas. Switzerland Innovation – connecting great minds.

Background Info

In 2012 Parliament approved the total revision of the Research and Innovation Promotion Act (RIPA), thereby creating the legal framework for providing federal funding for a Swiss Innovation Park, yet leaving plenty of leeway as to how the park should be set up. However, the law does state that the park should be spread over several sites. Furthermore, the cantons, higher-education institutions, and private sector should determine the focus areas and partners (and so influence the form the park takes). The Federal Council approved the configuration proposed by the Conference of Cantonal Directors of Economic Affairs (VDK) in the late summer of 2014. Under this proposal, the innovation park would have two hub sites centered on the two federal institutes of technology in Zurich and Lausanne and two network sites in the Canton of Aargau and Northwest Switzerland, forming a single network. In May 2015 the Federal Council decided to add Biel to this configuration, on the recommendation of a group of independent experts. Once the Swiss Innovation Park has been launched, the foundation of the same name will be responsible for further developments in the site portfolio

Monbijoustrasse 15 3011 Bern, Switzerland

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