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United Kingdom admin
04-June-17 152 Hits

Inspiring Scottish companies to innovate to success 

By encouraging an innovative approach to products and services, we'll help Scottish businesses drive global growth and boost competitiveness 

We aim to help transform Scotland’s innovation performance to equal the best-performing nations by 2020. 

To achieve this, we will adopt a more flexible support method, seeking new delivery models to maximise impact and support the foundations of the innovation process. 

We will: 

  • Encourage collaboration between academia and business 

  • Help companies use R&D to generate revenue 

  • Improve support for entrepreneurial companies 

  • Support companies to use innovation to succeed internationally 

  • Capitalise on global supply chain opportunities 

  • Develop Scotland's low carbon opportunity 

These actions will help us to contribute to the Scottish Government's Scotland 'Can Do' Framework, helping to create a more innovative, entrepreneurial nation.

Scottish Enterprise Atrium Court 50 Waterloo Street Glasgow G2 6HQ, UK

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Innovate UK

Innovate UK is the UK's innovation agency  We work with people, companies and partner organisations to find and drive the science and technology innovations that will grow the UK economy. United Kingdom

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