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Canada admin
28-April-17 49 Hits

The Master of Management of Innovation (MMI) Program is offered by the Institute for Management and Innovation, University of Toronto Mississauga. 

Students successfully completing the 12-month (one year) program, graduate with a MMI Master's degree from the University of Toronto. 

Designed for people with a background in science, engineering or technology, the Master of Management of Innovation was developed in consultation with leaders and future employers in industry, government and research. This accelerated 12-month professional Master's degree is for individuals pursuing management careers in technology-focused organizations.

3359 Mississauga Road, Mississauga, ON L5L 1C6, Canada

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Innovation Management Master

These programs train the future generation of engineers, entrepreneurs, managers, and professionals working in R&D or high technology, along with technology transfer agents. The objective is to prepare them to manage innovation and technological changes… Canada

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