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Ireland admin
14-April-17 50 Hits

This course presents key concepts, principles and the multidimensional nature of innovation management. Students are introduced to the frameworks, practices, processes and tools for managing innovation. Syllabus elements are: Introduction; motivation; definitions – Innovation as a process - Innovative organisations - Innovation strategy - Sources of innovation - Prioritisation and selection - Innovation Networks - Design-driven innovation - Innovation business models- Open Innovation- Blue Ocean Innovation Strategy - Oslo Manual Definisitons of Innovation - Doblin Model of Innovation - The Stanford D-School Model of Innovation - Creativity

Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland.

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Innovation Management - Postgraduate Diploma

This postgraduate diploma (PDip) programme will assist you in:  Identifying and developing the skills to manage innovation at both operational and strategic levels in your organisation;  Familiarising yourself with business process improvement methods… Ireland

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