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France admin
12-February-17 62 Hits

Innovation strategy 

L'Atelier has been building up expertise in company innovation for more than 30 years, through its Technology Tracking, Creativity, and Consulting services. 

Hundreds of companies have called upon our services to help them sharpen their view of future prospects, their IT strategy and their Innovation strategy, mainly in the sectors of Luxury Goods and Cosmetics, Media, Food, Mass Market Retail, Energy and Commodities, Automotive and Transport, Environment, Health, Public Institutions, Consumer Electronics, Telecommunications, IT Services, and Banking, Finance & Investment. 

Our consulting offer 

Innovation strategy entails helping our clients to develop and implement IT strategies which are aligned with the company strategy, mainly centred on Communication, Marketing and Commercial activities (Distribution, Sales, Customer Relationship Management). 

Strategic Innovation Consulting involves helping our clients to develop and implement innovation strategies aligned with the company strategy, mainly regarding Business Prospecting, Creativity, Project Portfolio Management, New Product Development and Marketing, services, processes, business models and organisational structures.

16 rue de Hanovre 75002 Paris France

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