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Germany admin
11-February-17 122 Hits

Our work is primarily focused on the assessment and continued development of existing models of business logic, with the objective being uniqueness, coherence and sustainability based on empirically supported criteria. Our service portfolio of course encompasses the “excellent individual disciplines” listed below, but after that the “true artistry” comes into play. 

The question that emerges is: 
 What criteria need to be fulfilled in order to combine 
- innovation excellence 
- value chain excellence and 
- client and marketing excellence 

with the business model, i.e., the strategic excellence at hand?

D-80335 München, Seidlstraße 28, Germany

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UX BERLIN Innovation

Our job is to drive innovation – in processes, products, services, business models, and ecosystems. By reinforcing the values of people and society, we create business value. Learning is the way to go with our partners and clients.   Germany


Strategy and Innovation Management Consulting. Certified Facilitator for the FORTH Innovation Methodology. Germany


We help people and enterprises to get more creative, more innovative and to implement their ideas. Germany

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