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Spain Nino van de Wal
14-March-17 182 Hits

Startdate: 23-March-17

Enddate: 24-March-17

Top executives are among the most important decision-makers influencing the strategy and performance of their organizations. The series of EIASM Workshops on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy were initiated as a specialized and focused forum where researchers could engage in constructive discussions about the relationship among Top Management Teams and the ability of firms to strategically respond to the challenges they face, as well as finding new opportunities for research collaborations. 

To date, seven editions of the EIASM Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy have been organized, six regular and one ‘special edition’. As a consequence of the great success of these workshops we are convinced that the Top Management Team and Business Strategy Research workshop is an excellent opportunity to develop and strengthen the research networks among scholars interested in these topics.

University of Seville, Spain

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