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Romania admin
09-June-17 107 Hits

Startdate: 15-June-17

Enddate: 16-June-17

Welcome to the world of iCEE: Interactive Central and Eastern Europe 

Cutting out the PR bullshit (everybody claims that their project is the biggest and the greatest) we honestly can say that we are one of the largest and the most significant digital and tech related initiatives in the CEE and SE Europe region since 2012. 

 The iCEE family is formed by iCEE.fest (the main festival, taking place each June in Bucharest, Romania), (our satelite event covering eHealth), (our publishing platform) and (our e-learning platform). Get the vibe of our project by browsing through our recent history bellow. - See more at:

Grand Cinema Digiplex, Bucharest, Romania

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ICEE Fest : Interactive Central & Eastern Europe Festival Map

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