Author of the 'Cluster Development Handbook' the first comprehensive guide to the What? the Why? and the How? of cluster development. Recognised globally as a leader in the development of clusters: • Training economic development professionals in cluster development; • Start-up and review of cluster, innovation and competitiveness programmes; • Establishing local cluster development initiatives; • Leading cluster workshops; • Speaking at competitiveness / innovation / economic development conferences on five continents. Global client base includes World Bank, IFC, OECD, UNIDO, UNDP, EU, Commonwealth Secretariat, Swedish Aid Programme (Sida/SAREC), US Aid and New Zealand Aid. Experience includes ... Australia, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Botswana, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Republic, England, Estonia, Ethiopia, Finland, Georgia, Grenada, Iceland, India, Ireland, Kenya, Korea, Latvia, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Mozambique, New Zealand, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Peru, Poland, Russia, Rwanda, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Scotland, South Africa, Sweden, Switzerland, Tanzania, Thailand, Tonga, Trinidad, Turkey, UAE, Uganda, USA, Vanuatu, Vietnam, Wales ... Specialties: Introducing the relevance of cluster based economic development; presenting interactive cluster training workshops. Founder and Past President of The Competitiveness Institute (Barcelona, Spain), the global organisation for cluster practitioners. Now serving on the Board of Advisors. Served on Advisory Boards of: Danish Cluster Academy, European Cluster Observatory, Indian Institute for Competitiveness, Pan African Competitiveness Forum and Sintonia, Mexico’s competitiveness programme.
Nelson, Marlborough, New-Zealand