Spott allows you to find products in the things you watch. Spott for Business Spott offers you live data around the clock about the users who are watching and interacting with your content on every single screen and allows you to immediately convert them to a sale. Spott for Broadcasters Spott makes your broadcasts interactive and creates more ROI on all your ad slots. Spott for Publishers Spott outrules ad blockers and increases the time a user spends on your website Spott for Advertisers Spott shows you how to reach your target audience through TV-ads and product placement to get a maximal ROI on your budget Spott for Stores Spott expands your target audience by merging your offline and online appearance Spott for Content Producers Spott allows you to efficiently and firmly increase the ROI of your product placements Spott for Influencers Spott enriches you with the behaviour of your followers and their brand preferences
Spott, Appiness, Hertshage 10, 9300 Aalst Belgium