Technology and Innovation are key drivers of competitive advantage in today's knowledge economy. Today’s public or private organizations need skilled and innovative executives and chief officers who can not only develop and deploy critical technologies but also ensure that those enterprise technologies have a positive impact on business & organizations, employees, product & services and customers. The Master in Technology & Innovation Management (MTIM) program builds upon the technical strengths of engineers and scientists by providing them with skills and knowledge to manage technology and innovation within their organizations. The MTIM program is suitable for those working in the public or private sectors. MTIM is a one-year intensive interdisciplinary MSc program offered by the Technical University of Crete. It is coordinated by the School of Production Engineering and Management with the collaboration of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. The one-year program runs from February to February next year and includes an optional summer internship - Startup Nation Study Trip to Israel. The course language of the program is English. The MTIM program is designed for graduates from a wide range of academic backgrounds including Engineering Schools, Physics, Mathematics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Agriculture, Business Administration, Finance, Information Technology, Medical & Bio-medical, Military Academies and Technological Universities & Institutes from EU and non EU countries.
Kounoupidiana, 73100 Chania, Greece