One of the main added values of the EIT is to integrate the education dimension into the innovation web, as it has often been absent from the more traditional research-business partnerships. The EIT supports the creation of tomorrow’s entrepreneurs and promotes a real change of mindset towards an entrepreneurial culture and attitude. By investing in the EIT, Europe invests in the talent of tomorrow who will not only create new start-ups but also contribute to innovation in existing companies, thus becoming a source for growth. With this perspective, the Knowledge Innovation Communities (KICs) have developed their own education programmes that have a very strong focus on the delivery of entrepreneurship and innovation skills, and that are more tailored to the needs of the European innovation system. KICs’ higher education partners focus on developing innovative curricula that provide students, entrepreneurs and business innovators with the knowledge and skills necessary for a knowledge and entrepreneurial society. These innovative programmes are based on partnerships between different universities, companies and research centres that collaborate closely and offer double degrees, international and cross-sectorial mobility experiences, as well as applied innovation and entrepreneurship education.
1 Neumann Janos utca 1117 Budapest, Hungary