THE THEME FOR SHIFT 2017 IS "COLLABORATION" This year we have two amazing program tracks: 1. HUMAN & MACHINE Technology has allowed us to leapfrog evolution, enabling our brains and bodies to do things that were otherwise impossible before. As the technological revolution unfolds, we are witnessing not only an extension of the mind but a unity of mind and machine – two networks coming together as one. We need to be aware of the opportunities. Opportunities that will be presented at SHIFT. 2. PEOPLE 2 PEOPLE As management theory, materials and technology have evolved, our organizations are going through a phase of groundbreaking changes. External factors, such as the fragmentation of working life and the growing phenomenon of sharing economy are shaping our organizations and the way we work. In order to keep up with the speed of the development, we have to step up our game and take our organizations to the next level. Teams must be empowered to collaborate and learn from each other to make the information flow more openly and fluently. It is no longer just about the money, it’s about embracing common values and a greater purpose.
Turku, Turunlinna