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CKS - Center for Knowledge Societies CKS - Center for Knowledge…

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

CKS is an innovation consulting practice that employs user-centered research and design methodologies, including ethnography, design analysis, and user experience, to help organizations systematically and routinely create products, services, and systems. …

CKS is an innovation…

CLab Trento CLab Trento

  • Publish Date: 01-May-17

There is no Smart City if there are no Smart Citizens. And, there are no Smart Citizens if there is no proper education within and beyond the traditional schemes. The new UniTrento interdisciplinary learning path and connected interactive Labs are…

There is no Smart City if…

Cleantech Center Cleantech Center

  • Publish Date: 26-April-17

The Cleantech Center is a sustainable innovation center in the Netherlands. At the Cleantech Center, entrepreneurs, education and students gather together to respond to challenges of the sustainable future

The Cleantech Center is a…

Coachella Valley Economic Partnership Coachella Valley Economic…

  • Publish Date: 14-February-17

Established in 1994, the Coachella Valley Economic Partnership (CVEP) has emerged as a vital innovator of regional business and workforce development initiatives. The partnership promotes a diversified, year-round economy by facilitating programs that…

Established in 1994, the…

Cockpit Accelerator Program Cockpit Accelerator Program

  • Publish Date: 31-May-17

Cockpit Accelerator program is a four week intensive start for new business ideas and pre-seed companies. The program takes place in University of Eastern Finland Kuopio campus   19.6.-19.7.2017, and during this time free mentoring and advices are…

Cockpit Accelerator program is…

CoE StartLife CoE StartLife

  • Publish Date: 26-April-17

CoE StartLife offers an extra-curricular program via trainings in entrepreneurial skills for students, PhD’s and staff. StartLife acts as the connection between the academic education of Wageningen University and extracurricular enterprising activities.

CoE StartLife offers an…

Corallia, Inspiring Innovation, Driving Excellence Corallia, Inspiring…

  • Publish Date: 11-May-17

Corallia's vision is "Α Greek environment with the right framework conditions to allow sciences, innovation and entrepreneurship to flourish (again)".

Corallia's vision is "Α Greek…

Creashock Creashock

  • Publish Date: 13-February-17

Creativity and innovation are essential for a modern organization. An organization that focusses on the individual creativity of each employee and which accelerates the co-creation amongst their employees and with the outside word, has the keys for its…

Creativity and innovation are…

Belgium   13-February-17 Creashock


  • Publish Date: 26-January-17

As a frontrunner in innovation consulting and research, CREAX introduces a systematic approach to the fuzzy and unstructured world of innovation. Our versatile team combines analytical skill and creative energy, with your next breakthrough solution as a…

As a frontrunner in innovation…

Belgium   26-January-17 CREAX


  • Publish Date: 18-February-17

We help people and enterprises to get more creative, more innovative and to implement their ideas.

We help people and enterprises…

Germany   18-February-17 CRIDON

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