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Skystar Ventures Skystar Ventures

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

Skystar Ventures is a tech incubator and coworking space founded by Universitas Multimedia Nusantara (UMN) and Kompas Gramedia Group (KGG). We target early stage startups in the Internet, mobile, social, education, and eCommerce sectors. Startups that…

Skystar Ventures is a tech…

Digital Magics Digital Magics

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

Digital Magics is an incubator of digital projects that provides consultation and acceleration services for startups and companies, in order to facilitate the development of new technological businesses.  Founded by Enrico Gasperini, Alberto Fioravanti –…

Digital Magics is an incubator…

Slovenian Centre for Competitiveness and Innovation Slovenian Centre for…

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

Slovenian Centre for Competitiveness and Innovation (SCCI).  SCCI is a special programme run by the Public Agency of the Republic of Slovenia for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments (JAPTI) financed by the Slovenian Ministry of the Economy.  The…

Slovenian Centre for…

FOSFOR Design Hub FOSFOR Design Hub

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

FOSFOR helps organisations in their creative process, designing, developing and producing of innovative products that bring sustainable solutions for the needs of tomorrow.

FOSFOR helps organisations in…

voxdale voxdale

  • Publish Date: 30-April-17

Design, Engineering and Simulation Voxdale is a design, engineering and research agency that focuses on innovation, concept generation and the development of systems and products. Virtual simulation tools for structural analysis, thermal management and…

Design, Engineering and…

Belgium   30-April-17 voxdale

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