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Fast Company CoExist Fast Company CoExist

  • Publish Date: 29-December-16

A daily dose of the latest world changing ideas and innovations in your industry. Fast Company is a leading business media brand, with a focus on innovation in technology, leadership and design. Written for and by business leaders, posts inspire readers…

A daily dose of the latest…

EY CogniStreamer EY CogniStreamer

  • Publish Date: 06-May-20

EY CogniStreamer is a collaborative innovation platform where users join forces to create, assess, and select innovative ideas within strategically selected areas. The software is highly configurable and allows to create custom programs through…

EY CogniStreamer is a…


  • Publish Date: 08-February-17

Exago is a pioneer in idea management software and expert services (US patented model) that successfully activate your organisation’s collective intelligence to solve pressing business challenges: from operational efficiency to new sources of revenue. We…

Exago is a pioneer in idea…

Portugal   08-February-17 EXAGO

Economist Joseph Schumpeter Economist Joseph Schumpeter

  • Publish Date: 11-February-17

The name says it all, this is a blog where the Economist's columnists consider business, finance and management. The blog is named after the economist Joseph Schumpeter, one of the 20th century's greatest intellectuals and maybe best known for his 1942…

The name says it all, this is…

Dialogues Technology Dialogues Technology

  • Publish Date: 28-April-17

Business innovation by using innovative technologies, by doing smart development based on our own Agile Scrum methodology called "Dialogues Scrum".   With our methodology clients keep focus on business value during the development process. Thats why we…

Business innovation by using…

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