Verhaert - Masters in Innovation

Vision We manage towards the ‘sweet spot of innovation’  We believe successful innovation requires an integrated approach focussed on value creation. Therefore we manage towards the ‘sweet spot of innovation’: the integration of technology, business and design innovation. Verhaert delivers managed innovation services integrating those disciplines through the entire process, from strategy over product development towards the launch of your new product.   Our experts are generalists, making the difference by approaching highly conceptual and complex matters in a very pragmatic and tangible way. We do this in an open and flexible style to our customers, mainly by:  Visual thinking and rapid prototyping  Working in autonomous multidisciplinary teams fueled by 8 specialized labs  Our proprietary developed RICE methodology  Transferring know-how and technology through different sectors


Hogenakkerhoekstraat 21 B-9150 Kruibeke, Belgium

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