NINE Innovation

WE'RE A FUTURE-DRIVEN INNOVATION CONSULTANCY THAT USES COLLABORATIVE IDEATION TO CREATE TANGIBLE SOLUTIONS. At NINE, we're a dynamic team of diverse skillsets, backgrounds and mind-sets that are driven by the future. We work together to create innovation ambitions, strategies, and ideas that we generate into future-proofed solutions.   Our clients are progressive global brands who value growth and strengthening their brands in a hyper-competitive environment where differentiation and maximum relevance is the holy grail.   Our project teams of future insight and innovation experts, strategic thinkers, engineers, industrial designers, graphic visualisers, and all sorts of designers work together in an iterative process tailored to each client´s challenge.   NINE is a part of the BillerudKorsnäs Group, a publicly traded company and global provider of smarter packaging for a sustainable future. We leverage this relationship within material and digital product and service solutions to inspire and explore future innovation possibilities.



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