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Luxembourg admin
11-February-17 88 Hits

INNOVA Europe is a privately owned company with its headquarters located in Luxembourg city and an office in Brussels. 

It is the front company of the INNOVA Group, currently one of the leading private European consultancy groups in innovation, with offices in Belgium, Luxembourg, France, USA, Poland, Italy and the Czech Republic. Since its foundation, in 1993, INNOVA Group delivers highly specialised services in research exploitation, technology transfer and innovation management. 

Over the past years, the INNOVA Group has implemented an international strategy to promote its business in Europe and in the United States, expanding its activities to 23 companies in 8 countries. 

Taking advantage of the expertise and extensive experience of the INNOVA Group and to act as the group’s front company, INNOVA Europe was established in the year 2000 with the mission of provide world-class consultancy services in business innovation. Due to the company focus and to the fact its main activities are connected to programmes of the European Union related to Research, Regional and National Structural Development, Technological Development and Innovation, an office was open in Brussels in the beginning of 2007.

2, Avenue Charles de Gaulle L-1653 Luxembourg

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