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HYPE Innovation Managers Forum HYPE Innovation Managers Forum

  • Publish Date: 01-May-17

The Definitive Forum for Innovation Managers  The HYPE Forum is a leading event focused on innovation management. It’s culturally diverse, bringing attendees from across the globe, and across a wide array of industries together. It’s high impact, and…

The Definitive Forum for…

Startdate: 16-May-17

Enddate: 19-May-17

ISRII Scientific Meeting ISRII Scientific Meeting

  • Publish Date: 20-April-17

Making e/mHealth Impactful in People's Lives. The International Society for Research on Internet Interventions (ISRII), founded in 2004, promotes the scientific study of information and communication technologies targeting behavioral, psychosocial,…

Making e/mHealth Impactful in…

Startdate: 12-October-17

Enddate: 14-October-17

ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the Economics of Innovation and Patenting ZEW/MaCCI Conference on the…

  • Publish Date: 16-February-17

The Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) and the Mannheim Centre for Competition and Innovation (MaCCI) are pleased to announce their 6th conference on the economics of innovation and patenting. The goal of the conference is to stimulate discussion…

The Centre for European…

Startdate: 02-July-17

Enddate: 03-July-17

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